Category: New York

Destinations, Food, New York, Restaurants, Travel, USA

A Three-Day Weekend in NYC

Alyssa and Michael smile for a photo in Central Park

I’ll begin this post by saying this was not your typical New York City trip. There was no Statue of Liberty involved, no shuffling through Times Square, no trip to the top of the Empire State Building, and only one museum. It was my umpteenth time visiting NYC over the past few years, so Michael …

Destinations, New York, Packing Lists, Style, Travel, USA

Traveling Light: New York City Packing List

A sofa piled with items packed for NYC in the Fall

And we’re back! Michael and I usually try to visit New York City at least once a year, and quite unbelievably as of last week, we hadn’t been yet this year. Well, we remedied that over the past weekend and spent three days eating and shopping to our hearts’ content. This post contains affiliate links …