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Commemorative Jewelry from GLDN

A gold and silver ring sit with the reflection of the sky below

Alyssa and Michael sit on a sofa wearing two matching rings

Last month Michael and I marked a major milestone in our relationship – we celebrated our fourteenth dating anniversary. Writing that down just now feels absurd – there’s no way we could possibly have been together for fourteen years already because it feels like just yesterday he shyly asked me to be his girlfriend.

Shortly beforehand, the team at GLDN reached out to ask if I would consider partnering with them on their bridal campaign (they certainly have a knack for reaching out during major life events – the last time they contacted me as I was in the process of changing my name. Kismet). I’m always picky about the partnerships I choose to take on, even when it’s a brand I really love. As much as I treasure all of the pieces I’ve purchased and received from GLDN over the years, I didn’t feel comfortable sharing bridal jewelry as an unwed person.

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Thankfully, GLDN had all of us in mind when assembling this collection – it’s not just about the bride or the bridal party. All relationships can be celebrated through their stunning collection of commemorative jewelry, including one as unique as our own.

This post contains gifted product and affiliate links, but is not sponsored - I just couldn't help but share these sweet mementos here on the blog!

Although there were several pieces in the commemorative jewelry section that spoke to me (like the Marseille Necklace, Ono Necklace, and Duet Ring), it was important that Michael and I choose pieces that we each felt comfortable wearing. This meant hoping to find a piece we could both wear while remaining open to choosing two non-matching pieces. To make sure we didn’t influence each other in the decision, we took to opposite corners of the sofa, shielding our screens from each other. I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me that after fourteen years together our tastes have somewhat merged, and we landed on the same item:

The Meuse Band

Alyssa and Michael pinky promise while wearing the Meuse Band

We both independently selected the Personalized Meuse Band (also on Etsy) for its Goldilocks size; at 4mm, it’s wide enough to make an impact on Michael’s finger while not overwhelming my smaller hand. The band is made-to-order and comes in sizes 4-9 with custom sizes available. Though it is available in a gorgeous hammered finish, we ultimately decided to go with the smooth finish as we wanted to engrave it. But engrave it with what?

We considered our initials (M+A? A+M? Whose name should go first?) or a set of geographic coordinates (but which place? There are so many places that hold deep meaning for us), but one inscription stood out in the end: 08/12/2008, the day that marks the start of a lifetime of adventure together. After playing with the formatting options, we settled on engraving the date in Roman numerals. We both have an appreciation for subtlety; from a distance, the inscription isn’t obvious, but up close the markings reveal themselves to the viewer.

Choosing metals was a much easier task. Michael doesn’t typically wear a lot of jewelry, but when he does, he prefers silver tones. As for me? I’m all-in on yellow-gold jewelry. We double-checked the fit using both a ring-sizer and the measurement instructions on the website and added the sterling silver and gold fill rings to our shopping cart. I’ve mentioned before that while I love solid gold jewelry, I often find that gold fill can be a better value. It’s hardier than gold-plated jewelry but doesn’t break the bank. That said, the Personalized Meuse Band is available in solid gold – at a price to match. This leads me to…

A GLDN Discount

Two rings reflect sunlight and sky from below

Save $10 on your GLDN purchase – no matter the person or event you’re honoring (even if that person is you on a random Tuesday!) when you shop through my referral link. Thanks for supporting the brands that support this blog!

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